Friday, April 17, 2009

Dear Gov. Hunstman: Working4Utah is lame.

Dear Governer Hunstman:

I'm writing you to express my opinion about your Working4Utah initiative. In a word, it's lame. Totally lame complete.

I know you thought you were saving the planet by turning off lights and air conditioners and coffee makers for one day of the week. Turns out that you not only turned off the lights, you turned off the whole State of Utah! Thanks to our complete dependence on our competent state employees (the last three words are the only ones in this letter that aren't laced with bitterness and sarcasm. I think our employees are great!), we can only function for a little more than half the week. Open for 4 days (unless there is a federal holiday of which there are many), and closed for 3. What with our abundance of national parks and out-doorsy things to do in Utah...we should really be a part-time-state anyway. Beehive State...pfft.

I know one of the main reasons to close Utah on Fridays was to save howevermanymillions of dollars and maybe it is. But guess's losing us money. I can chalk up a couple thousand to this "program" by myself this year. I bet if we add it all up, you're in the red for this one.

The problem is...we can't do important things now for half of the week, and sometimes it's impossible to plan ahead. Want to get a city inspection, or get a permit signed, or get your water turned on? Please wait 4 days. Need a drivers license? Need to setup your Corporation. Need to attend traffic school? Please wait 4 days.

I bet it was hard to fit so many buzzwords on your logo without mentioning the people you work for. Yoohoo...remember us? Citizens of Utah? We're your customers, not a nusiance.

In closing...I'm unhappy that you're jumping on the earth-is-more-important-than-the-people-living-on-it bandwagon. Please either open the State again on Fridays, or at least open the office doors so we can come and process our own paperwork, and wait in our own lines while your off recovering from your tough 4-day work week.



Cami said...

Sheesh! I didn't even know of these silly changes. Everything is really closed on Fridays? Crazy. So, do those employees get the same pay for less work, or are they just out in the cold? Yeah, let's cut down on people's hours--THAT will help the economy!

Matt said...

They still work 40 hours a week...they just open earlier and stay later, or something. The problem is that local governments are jumping on the bandwagon. Try getting anyone from Saratoga Springs on the phone on a Friday. Ha! Sure, it's attractive. Our company tried working 4-10's but we had to stop when our productivity plummeted and our customers complained. Too bad our local governments don't think of us as customers.