Monday, October 23, 2006

Egg Salad Reunion...

I was recently reminded of the goodness that is Egg Salad Sandwiches.

I've been eating them for lunch a bit lately, and have been enjoying it very muchlalalalalaaaa.

I suggest you try it out. Here are some tips:
  • Do not use too much mayonaise. Use just enough to hold the egg together.
  • Do not smash the egg to finely. Chunks of egg make for a good texture.
  • Be generous with salt and pepper.
  • Experiment. Following Vigs lead today, I put spicy chips on my sandwich today. It was excellent!
  • Remember that hard-boiled eggs take some time to make. Make a bunch, and keep them in the fridge for later use.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Cool app and a new home for themdg's photos

The images found on themdg now have a new home. I use this machine for my file server as well as my web server. As a result, all of my photos can be found here. I used to add some of my photos to my Galleryas I took them, but it was getting too crowded. I had 4 or 5 thousand pictures in the gallery. It was so full in there that no one was looking at them. So, I removed them all, and started over on the gallery.

I decided to have two galleries. One that held my most favorite photos, and a little description of the picture. This would be my "Photo Gallery." The other would be a dynamic listing of all the pictures I've ever taken. That was the tricky part, actually. Finding some software that would do this, without messing up my photo repository. Since this is my file server, the photos are my master copy. I didn't want to mess them up with inline caches and scripts all over.

After a few weeks, I found one that works perfectly. Weatimages lives in the root of my photo directories, and creates one directory seperate from the other, to store it's caches. My photo directories remain untouched. It provides a dynamic, yet still cached listing of all my photos.

My Weatimages listing:

I also started over with the gallery, and am only putting my best pictures there.

Have a look:

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Woot-off tonight at


I watched the woot-off closely for most of the nearly 48 hours it lasted.

I did buy a few thing, and it was fun to watch. But after a while, it started to get depressing. The users on started to seem emotionally spent and were acting so disrespectful for each other and to I felt like I was in the orphanage in Oliver...everyone out for himself, begging for food and taking advantage of others whenever possible.

The environment degraded fun to hostile...and that's when I started to check out. Maybe it was too long. Maybe people care too much about the rediculous "Bag of Crap." I mean, it would be fun to get one...but people get rediculously MAAAAAD when they don't...or when others do. Please. It's nothing.

I'm cured from obsession.


There will be a woot-off tonight (10/11/2006). I can fell it. Check at Midnight CST.

This, from their newsletter today:

"OK, we're gonna let you go now, because we've got lots of product to write about before Thursday. Thanks for reading this far - hope you got plenty of sleep last night..."

Fun times.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tongs and You're Welcome: A Fun Reunion

We had a good time at our little reunion. It was well attended and food was plentiful.

Here you'll find pictures of:

Jeff and Chelesta and kids
Fred and Julie
John and Liz
Josh and Kid

We talked and joked for a few hours, and kept the kids busy with Glow Sticks, trampoline and movies.

I can't speak for everyone, but this was an excellent and soul-satisfying reunion for me.

Thanks everyone who came, and to those who couldn't for responding.