Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A comment about your latest Earth-friendly email ad...

Dear ING Direct:

I'm a happy customer of more than 5 years.  I received your latest
email marketing piece with the subject "Do you part with Electric
Orange."  I wanted to register my dislike for the exploitation and
overuse of the word "Green" in connection with the idea of "Saving the

In the past few years, seeing "Green" on anything simply means "We
want your business but now our customers are secondary to our
environmental image" as companies cache in the made-up frenzy about
the environment.  I'm sad that ING Direct has joined in and is now
aiming this propaganda at it's own clients.

It's arrogant for us to believe we can save the Earth or for that
matter, that the Earth needs saving!  Believing such a thing only
denies the power of God and the fact that He created the earth for a
specific purpose (for us!) and is still running things.  He knows what
the Earth needs and He knows what we need.  The ridiculous and
not-as-popular-as-people-think belief that the Earth is ours to save
suggests that we as a human race are as powerful as God, and that we
can make decisions that effect the planet and it's future.  What do
the "top US Scientists" call it now?  Geoengineering.   Laughable.

Don't get me wrong...I don't want trash in my neighborhood and I'm all
for putting litter in it's place.  But I won't be bullied into
thinking that subscribing to the printed newspaper (gasp...the "P"
word), driving my fossil fuel burning car to the store, running my
air-conditioner in the summer, or sending a written letter makes me an

Please reconsider your stance on the false yet politically correct
idea that your company can or needs to do anything to "Save" the
Earth.  I'd be much more interested in the new services you've
advertised if they were offered in the name of convienience.  How
refreshing it would be to be sold a service because it's good for the
customer, instead of less-bad for the Environment.

Matt Graham

copied to:
weblog post at themdg.org

1 comment:

Emily said...

Good for you Matt. I only wish more of us would stand up like this. I know there are so many of us out there, and it might be impossible to be louder than the earth-freaks, but at least we can have a little voice.

I might have to plagiarize a little and use this letter for my own purposes in the future, since I know I would've have said it nearly as well.