Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In the time of the chimpanzee...

...jack was a monkey.  Once again, I'm not sure how this will work since I'm submitting it via email. 

A few shots from Master Jacksons dance thingy at his school.  The one with his arms spread out happened at the climax of "Also sprach Zarathustra".  It was an homage to a scene from 2001 (which I found strange for a 1st grade class), but cute nonethe. 


jeff said...

Jack is awesome. He is a little monkey. Those pictures are awesome. I like the ones with Jack just chillin' with his banana on hips.

Anyway, do you have those wedding pictures up on your site? Just wondering because Jeff and I want to see them at some point! I know there are a million, so it is ok if you don't have them. Just wondering! Thanks Matt!

Matt said...

Elise...ya, I should have them up tonight. Just finishing sorting out the best ones and color correcting.

Emily said...

He looks totally like you in some of those pictures. How funny. His banana is a little green. I don't think moneys eat them like that. I remember dancing in those things. I loved it.

Chris said...

Hey... Nice! Email blogging. I like it!

melody said...

If there is a video of this, I would LOVE to see it. Looks like Jack really got into the dancing!

Matt said...

No, I wish there were video. We should probably invest in a video recorder thingy. We've been meaning to for years.

Cami said...

That is seriously cool. Jack looks like he's having a blast. Also, now I will have that song in my head forever.

Cami said...

ive seen wall`e