Monday, June 09, 2008

Another misplaed call

Previous incident.

Elizabeth this is **** **** calling.

Elizabeth I don't know why you're being so why you think that I should be ashamed of myself. You're the one that told the lie, not me.

Now, I am trying to get a payoff and you've been ordered by the court to get that payoff. I keep calling in, there's still a password on your account. They will not give me a payoff.

You are hurting yourself! Because I am not making another payment on that account. You're gonna go thirty days over due, sixty days past due... and it's your own credit you're destroying not mine. Because the judge ordered you to give me a payoff...I have the money to pay it off and you will not allow me to pay it off. So you are hurting just yourself.

I suggest you call in the city and you authorize me to get a payoff, or get one to me. It's up to you because you're just...sinking your own boat.

And I'm...I'm going to the Judge today, I'm going before tell him that you are in contempt. And you'll be lucky if he doesn't pick you up on a warrant and bring you in and ask you why you haven't done what he told you to do. <click>


Drew said...

Good heavens! This is dramatic and mysterious indeed! I feel kind of sad that these messages aren't being intercepted by the proper people! It sounds like things are in a mess, but they could be getting messier by these messages not being received. That Elizabeth, honestly...

Emily said...

That is creep weird. This would be a good trick to play on someone. Keep calling as if you are trying to reach someone else, and make up a big dramatic story that involves credit scores and court. Maybe that is what he's doing. What a strange circumstance.

Cami said...

Oh dear. Why are all the misplaced messages to you so dramatic?? We just get pizza orders.

Amber said...

That is crazy! Maybe the reason he isn't getting his payoff is because he isn't calling the right number! Maybe he is in contempt for not being able to memorize!