Saturday, February 03, 2007

Driving over everything... (Jacks 100 things)

With all the Hundreds-Of-Things flying around, I thought I'd write one for my 6 year old. However, he ironically came home from school the other day telling me that he needed to paste 100 things on a paper vest for school. We let him decide what he wanted to use, and he came up with 100 cars. Mostly Matchbox and HotWheels cars.

So, we had a good time watching him pick out his favorite 100, and then arranging them while I took the pictures. Looking at them up close is a special, almost sacred thing to me. I feel like I'm looking into my sons soul. I think this is how he sees them...down on the level of the carpet, with his eye 2 inches away from them while making the sounds. I can remember me doing the same thing as a child (and today actually, with him.)

Above you can see the collage of the cars that Picasa produced, which I think is neat. But below you'll see a few that are definately worth 1000 words. A few of them have had me laughing all day. If you skip the rest of these, check the yellow and red trucks. They are something.

My Man with "The Three Herbies."

Click on this one to see the large image. It says: "Griffin. Where Eagles Will Not Dare". How great is that? They will not DARE! Read this with a Monster Truck announcer voice.

Ok, the other hillarious one. Click this one too, to see the enlarged one. On the side it says "Power Panel. " On the Door it says "Ride Hard Race Fast' and near the wheel it says (are you ready) "Real Trucks Drive Over Everything". I can't take this one. I'm laughing right now. This should also be read with the announcer voice.

Given to McBlackson by my dear friend Eric while I was in School. It's been through doublehockeysticks.

Look at this one up close. It's the math police. Check yourself.

Another one that's seen better days. It's a bit rare to find these cars with opening parts these days. I brought this one back from England a few years ago.

Those are just a few. After seeing these like this, I think I'll photograph the rest of the cars and his favorite toys, and him with them. Who wouldn't love to see their old toys 20 years later. What a trip that would be.

I'm totally looking for more trucks with sayings on them tomorrow in his cars box.

#105: I have been to where the Eagles Will Not Dare, and I lived to tell about it.


Janice Graham said...

Matt, this is really artistic. You are so creative. Those little cars have certainly been loved. I can just see Jack playing with them. Sweet. And I remember you making car noises all the time. You can't make this stuff up.

Corinne said...


Cami said...

Man, that kid must take good care of his toys. I just figure Jeffy can love them to death or until desertion. Documenting is a good idea. I should really at least document R-2 and C-3PO.

Amber said...

I can't believe he has more than 100 cars! Your 100 poster was slightly cooler than Jillian's 100 bug stickers stuck to a butterfly she drew! Anyway, Jordan still likes cars, but I think he is almost out of that faze-sad. He doesn't actually play with them, they are just displayed on his window sill.

Emily said...

This is perfect for his hundred things. I'm sure he was the most original in the class. I bet no other parent had the mad camera skills to make their kid's as good. We were laughing at how cute that pic of Jack is.