Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Kid in UT earns all 121 BSA Merit Badges... | Meritorious Scout earns 121 badges

Looks like this dude finished all 121 BSA meritbadges. I feel good if I get my kids to earn the required 21. It's a nice accomplishment. I wasn't surprised though, to see that he was homeschooled. Seems that in a homeschool environment (especially in Utah), meritbadges are often part of the curriculum. Required curriculum?

Now I wish my Jr. High and High School had offered Merit Badge Classes. Or do I?

Many parents of scouts place restrictions on their boys or use reward systems. "No dating until you get your eagle." "No drivers license until you get your eagle." "No eating until you get another 38 meritbadges done tonight." Ok, I made the last one up, but the first two are common. I've never agreed with that kind of motivation. A reward maybe, but not a threat.

Anyway, nice work Utah Homeschool kid. No matter what circumstance you're in, that's a big job, and it sounds like you did well. Be a scoutmaster when you're older. It's fun.


bitchey said...

Is there a merrit badge for modding xboxes?

Matt said...

There should be. There should be a linux one too. Maybe I should become the grand poobah scout guy so I can make up all the badges.

Xbox Mod
Linux Server Setup
Scooter Driving
Bitterness Having
TV/VCR Repair
Internet Banner Clicking
Time Wasting
Cheese-Stick Eating

and more!

Lili and Jeff said...

Wow, that kid is great. I wonder if he truely had his heart in earning all those badges. For my personal progress projects, I would sometimes just count going to school, or singing in school choir as mine. Even sketching in class and stuff.. But still, good for him. I am sure his scout master is very proud.

As for your badge ideas, I am all about the cheese stick eating badge, and perhaps the bitterness having. Haha! Internet banner clicking! That branches out into SEVERAL catergories: obvious celebrity guessing, catch the ball, punch this political figure... etc.
Time wasting... I would get that one very first. I would add these badges myself:
harry potter knowledge
magic toenail maintenance
trogdor drawing skills
bargain shopping
negotiating skills
and... forking skills (you know, when you stick a million forks in people's lawns... That is indeed a very important skill to have.)

This is a very long comment. I shall end now.