Monday, October 23, 2006

Egg Salad Reunion...

I was recently reminded of the goodness that is Egg Salad Sandwiches.

I've been eating them for lunch a bit lately, and have been enjoying it very muchlalalalalaaaa.

I suggest you try it out. Here are some tips:
  • Do not use too much mayonaise. Use just enough to hold the egg together.
  • Do not smash the egg to finely. Chunks of egg make for a good texture.
  • Be generous with salt and pepper.
  • Experiment. Following Vigs lead today, I put spicy chips on my sandwich today. It was excellent!
  • Remember that hard-boiled eggs take some time to make. Make a bunch, and keep them in the fridge for later use.


Emily said...

I totally agree. Eggs are like hidden treasures in the fridge. I like to add pickle chunks to mine. Not relish, but chunks. I also know a different way to boil them but I don't know what's better. The other way is letting the water come to a boil, cover the pot and turn off the heat. let it sit for 15 minutes. Try it sometime and let me know what you think. That sandwich looks good. Especially with chips.

Matt said...

Teedle: Yes, that's almost how I make my eggs. My recipe is:

-Eggs in cold water.
-Bring to boil
-Cover for exactly 17 minutes
-Transfer to ice water
-Bring hot water back to boil
-Transfer eggs, a few at a time in to the water for 10 seconds, and then back into ice water.

The Ice Water routine makes them very easy to peel. And the 17 minutes slow cook deal eliminates any green around the yoke, (or Yolt as Emma used to say.)

Matt said...

I should have said "Remove and Cover...". The removing is important, especially on electric stoves.


Anonymous said...

No mustard or relish? I've gotta have those on mine!

When I was a nazi about not eating bread, we had these for dinner with Em and KC and I got mine on a lettuce leaf. Still good.

Anonymous said...

Booya Grandma! Doritos inside the sandwich.

Matt said...

I do like mustard or pickles in there too. But not as a general rule. I like to mix it up.

I put wasabe in there sometimes too. Excellent. Or jalapenos.

bitchey said...

As much as I enjoy egg salad anything, I must say, I might enjoy the aromas that come both during creation and during digestion.

I remember walking into the house, while my mother was creating egg salad. It was a smell to be smelled. My first instinct was to check all bathrooms, to verify that everyone was still amongst the living. Turns out, it was just dinner.

On those lonely nights, right after some egg salad sandwiches for dinner. Few things are more comforting or as captivating as a strong covered wagon. Few times in your life will you wonder if there was actually an offense to the historical meaning of 'circle the wagons', but this may be one of them.

Try it, enjoy.

Lili and Jeff said...

My stars, there is a party going on around here! Delish egg sa-lad. (You know, how spongebob says it...)I personally prefer heavy on the mustard, but everyone has their preferences. I love the sandwich, the down side is the preperation. With my busy college life, I all I have time for is some cereal or a pb and j sandwich, or if I am lucky and have some time, some delicious instant pasta! I heart pasta. And egg salad.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the egg salad sandwich is getting some attention apart from the after-Easter season. I too enjoy such a sandwich. I ususally have it on pita bread with lettuce - that's a must for me. I can't wait to try it with chips. I'm a big believer of chips on sandwiches. There always ought to be a crunch involved.