Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hubble 3D - Astounding and Humbling...

The Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake City is currently showing Hubble 3D in it's IMAX theater, among other shows. 

Technically, the film was awesome.  I've never seen 3D like this.  The theater was nice and cool, and the sound was great.  Leocarpo Dinardio does a fine job narrating.  The Clark Planetarium is located at the Gateway Center mall in Salt Lake City.  Movie tickets cost $8 for adults and $6 for kids.  Discount tickets ($5 for any age) are available at, but you need to order in advance.  They'll either mail them, or you can pick them up the next business day. 

I'm having a hard time coming up with words to describe the movie content.  Watching this story of how the Hubble Space Telescope was built and launched into space, and repeatedly repaired during NASA Shuttle missions was the best 45 minutes I've spent in a theater in the past decade.  Possibly in my life.  I spent most of the time at a loss for words and with my mouth involuntarily wide open.

It was difficult to keep my emotions in check as I saw the breath-taking images and contemplated the enormity of space which took on a new meaning for me during this film.  God has an amazing thing going here.  And the Hubble Telescope brings it a little closer. 


Lili and Jeff said...

I have been wanting to go to that planetarium since I was a wee child! Jeff and I will definitely have to make a night of it.

Janice Graham said...

I'm there! I need some uplifting theater experience quick. Grandpa would have loved it.

Cami said...

That sounds amazing. I wonder if I'll ever get there to check it out. I really should.