Friday, April 30, 2010

The Death Throes of a Politician...

It's interesting to watch the communications from politicians as an election approaches.  This year is especially active as there seems to be general distrust and and dissatisfaction with our current gaggle of Senators.  And they know the gravy train is about to come to a stop.

Can they all be bad?  Probably not...but it reminds me the baggie in the refrigerator that holds the cheese.  The block in the bag has that one little mold spot on there.  Even when you cut that section out, you can't shake the feeling that the rest of the block is a little infected...or maybe it's the bag...the fridge drawer?  You just KNOW that next time you look at the cheese, there will be another spot. 

I get emails from Bob Bennett more and more frequently.  I don't understand his tactics.  From our recent caucus and precinct meetings, I get the idea that people are fed up with our non-representative representatives.  Yet, Mr. Bennetts emails all have a tone of "Dudes...I am TOTALLY doing a good job.  No one else can do this job.  I am the King of Utah.  Vote for me!"

Today in his email, he moved predictably into threats.  Yes...threats aimed not only at everyone living in Utah, but to the existence of the state itself.  Here it is, with my interpretations. 

"Without Bob Bennett, our water rights are at risk. No Utah water means no Utah growth. We can't afford to lose Bob. (Yes...without "Bob", Utah will crumble. Literally.  The mountains and buildings will turn to dust.)

- Sandy Mayor Tom Dolan
Without Bob Bennett in the Senate, Utah's prospects dry up.  (Get it...cause the email is about water...Bwaaahahaaha)

Extreme environmentalists want to drain Lake Powell (as they have for 50 years). Other states want to take our share of the Colorado River.
Senator Bennett has been there to stop them.  (I am glad he was there.  Pretty sure that falls into the job description.)

Senator Bennett has made it illegal for the federal government to consider breaching the Lake Powell Dam. (Shoot...he can make stuff illegal all by himself?!  Does he use some sort of Senatorial Decree to do this?  Is he a Jedi?  Either  impressive.) And his tireless efforts for the Central Utah Project and the Rural Utah water program he created have ensured that Utah has enough water to keep up with its phenomenal growth.  (Check these stats...Utah population has certainly grown, but if it's phenomenal, some of our surrounding states are super-astronomical!  Without the programs he created, all those moving to Utah would have died of thirst. And clearly no other Senator would ever fight for water issues in Utah (reported by some to be a desert).)

Senator Bennett is in line to become chairman of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, which will help Utah immensely. (...and it will help Utah because as chairman he will...  oh yes...have a fancy new job and awesome street cred.  He can perform amazing under the table deals for Utah.  Juuust what we want more of in DC.)   A freshman senator would have to wait years to have that kind of influence.  (Those lousy freshmen senators...always sitting around doing nothing but voting for what their constituents want.  Arrrg.

Before you vote, know what the consequences are.  (Whammy!...the threat.  Not "Thank you for voting me in 2719831 times already...  I see that we're out of touch a little, friends.  Here are the things I will do in the future to try and regain your trust."  Instead we get "Vote for me, OR ELSE!  If I can't have Utah, NO ONE will..."  Mr. Bennett...that attitude is exactly why we're tired of you and your buddies.)

Blah blah blah...

This scramble for power reminds me of the evil Master Control Program (MCP) from the film Tron (1982).  When it realizes it has lost, but is still fixed in its place of (failing) power, the usually infuriatingly calm and smug MCP loses control, trying desperately to hold on to it's authority. . .looking this way and that. . .spinning wildly . . . talking nonsense, until it eventually ceases to exist.  An event noted on the console with "END OF LINE"

 Who's knows what will happen between now and Novembers election, but I imagine that most Utahns won't vote based on the threats presented here.  I'm not buying that our current Senators are Utah's only hope for any kind of recognizable future.

End of Line, Mr. Bennett.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Awesome post. Informative, AND frightening. I'm going to start filling up my water jugs . . .