Friday, July 25, 2008

PIC: Coup de Fun

Me and Ray Shelton on a ride at the Coup 'de fun during a birthday party for me. 198?


Unknown said...

That looks awesome. I want to ride that right now. Where ever did you find such a picture.

Unknown said...

And that last post was from me, Lili. Not dad.

melody said...

Theses pictures are random and awesome. I love the Lili one. So many memories of riding in the back of the trooper. And this one, yes, where did you get it!? (Are they from your scrapbooks Mom made, or just loose??!)

Cami said...

Coup de FUN!!!! Oh, how I loved that place. Remember the cool trampoline basketball things?

Matt said...

Melody/Lili: They're just loose. A bunch a found in my scoutbox and stuff over the years.

Cami: Yes! I looooved those things. You can see one in the background there. There is someone in Highland with one in their back yard. I want to go over there.

Drew said...

I vaguely remember Coop d' Fun. I remember where it is, and slightly remember going there, but no details. I am glad this is posted. You look like you used to look when you were younger.