Saturday, July 26, 2008

PIC: Maximum Jefferson..

Cami had a long layover in Kansas City once, and I was able to see her and her fam. It had been too long since I saw any of them, so it was a welcome visit. However I think given the travel time, they would probably have voted to skip the layover.

This is my favorite pic from that night. 3 things we miss are pictured here. Jefferson. The Maxima. Kansas City.


Cami said...

Oh MAN he looks like such a baby!! I believe that was our last trip ever besides Florida. That was a HORRIBLE time. But good thing we saw you because we had an extra hour after you left that was one of the worst hours of my life. Imagine if it had been three!!! Oh, Jeffy was in the "NO MOMMY!" stage right then.

BUT, look how cute and happy he was in your Maxima! That's awesome.

Lili and Jeff said...

Ha ha! He is just a tot! What a poopsie! He probably could drive that car properly, he is so smart.