Saturday, July 07, 2007

The system is down...

I've gone cold turkey, and not by choice. I'm disconnected, in more ways than one.

My little file/web server that I keep in my room at home is powered down. This alone causes me to lose sleep! It's funny how much you depend on things, and don't realize it until they're not there.

We're in Utah for a long vacation. A few weeks prior to this trip, one of the hard drives in the server started acting up. The errors it produced caused me to manually restart the server once a day or so. I didn't have time to change out the hard drive before we left, so I was forced to just shut it down. Ouch. It'll be down for three weeks. That means, no photos, no music, no email (not easily anyway), and no websites for many people. Trav, Elise, etc. I apologize.

To add insult to injury, everywhere we've been staying has had NO wireless or otherwise internet access available. N.O.N.E. Hard times. We're at the in laws house now, and I found a 2-foot square spot in the house that gets a sketchy wireless connection from a neighbor. Beggars can't be choosers and all that.

I hate being so disconnected like this but I'm resigning myself to it and it's not being as hard as I thought it might be. I'm reminded of some cool things as a result of not being able to use the computer. Check this out:
  • They have a great sunrise every morning, and it's open to the public.
  • My wife is as beautiful and loving as ever.
  • My kid is hilarious and makes me proud.
  • My nieces are precious goof balls as are my sisters and parents.
  • You can get a nice sunburn if you only put sunscreen on once while at the pool in the afternoon.
  • Monkey-bars are delicious.
  • You can go on a Napoleon Dynamite tour if you drive a few miles north of Logan, UT.
  • And More!
So, the server is down for the count, but it'll be back. Count on it. For now...stop and smell the flowers. It's good times.


Lili and Jeff said...

There there, Matty. Times may be hard, but what is three weeks? Sometimes things like this ARE a blessing in disquise (though, I am not going to lie, no internet at Grandma's WAS pretty hard...) But yes, you do get to observe things even more! Fun times, and I am glad you guys are here!

Emily said...

I'll be without the net (or any electronics for that matter)for a week and I'm wondering how it will be too. I'm sure I'll be quite busy enough. And I don't think it's my computer I'll be missing. I'll take you up on your advice to smell the flowers since I won't really have any other choice. We miss you guys. We hope you are having a grand old time.

melody said...

Way to play the glad game, Matty. We love having you here!

Janice Graham said...

That was a funny blog. So glad I can get it now! We love having you near, at least for a few weeks. Big fun!

Unknown said...

Yeah, baby. Get that site back up. And now, let's go to the gym. I'll be easy on ya. What's that? Can't move? Sore muscles? It's good for ya. Means you're makin' muscles.

We're loving Matt, Cortnie and Jack being around. Stay longer. Move back . . .

Cami said...

Oh man. That is bad times. I like the things you can learn without a computer though. I'd learn more about my bed and some books, probably. Not much more than that. I did try a zip line (that was for kids) the other day. Turns out I'm not as young as I used to be. Good for you on the monkey bars!

Emily said...

Oh Cami. He was referreing to the popsicle type monkey bars that they sell at Maceys and they are very good. silly girl.