Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Christmases: A photo journography

Ladies and Gentlemen... In the center ring.... Presenting: The Christmases!!! In their Seasonal Journography....

The following are photos from our Christmas break from Life, the Universe and Everything. Presented in no particular order.

My roof is waaay up there. I hung some lights, to keep up with the Jonses. In my neighborhood, we're only allowed to use white colored lights. Boring. But that's the country-club mentality of the East for you. Rules, rules, rules.

Jackson, or Jacksons head rather. Watching some teev, waiting for Christmas to get here.

Dude, at this first Basketball game. His team is called "The Rockers."

My dudes and me at work. We got in on the PS3 craze. A bit silly, but we made a few bucks.

We saw family a lot. This is my sister and her man during a fun gingerbread house making party.

My other local sister, and her fam at the Temple. A fun night.

Kevins car asplode....

The Christmas card I sent to my scout boys.

We played with Magnetix at work.

The Temple looked great. The workers and volunteers there did an awesome jorb on the lights.

My sister and her man again. They were Joseph and Mary in this awesome live-action nativity scene at the Temple. We called it KCmatronics.

Me and my love at the temple. Isn't she pretty?

A nice shot of the temple at night.

The boy, celebrating the toyness of Christmas morning.

My Sister and her cute son. He calls me "Mattoo Matt."

My dude putting out the cookies, milk and pennies (his addition) for Santa. He's saying "Cheese" in the style of Wallace (from Wallace and Gromit).

His majesty, with the toys.

My little break-dancer, trying to do the worm. Wearing the Jammies grandma sent him. This is Christmas eve.

The cousins and their finished G-Bread housen.

It was a nice holiday. Of course, my dude got sick with Bronchitis (so what's new!?) This week he had surgery to have this adenoid removed which is supposed to help. With the break and the surgery, we've had a ton of time to hang out and play games and laugh. It's been a nice healing time, and a successful holiday! Huzzah!


Cami said...

AWESOME journography. I especially love the worm. We love you Mattoo-Matt!

Emily said...

Great wrap up. I like the head of jack pic. I'm trying to find out how that is happening and where his body is. It's really amazing to me. also, I'm going to make and enlargement of one of the temple pics with the lights for my house. You will be famous.

Corinne said...

great pics - love the one with the temple and the blue lights

Amber said...

I love the journography! Maybe that is what I will do next-people might be sick of all the words i wrote last time....Jack is Hilarious and your scout card is disgusting! Cortnie is beautiful and tell her HI!

Janice Graham said...

Hi Matt! I'm learning to comment! Love your blog. My kids are so clever. Love the photos of everybody at the temple. Thanks for taking them. Love, Mom

mylittlegems said...

Love the photo at the DC temple. Fun to read about your family and what is happening. keep in touch. Sharla and family

Unknown said...

So, Mattie, I guess you are the grendpeppy of blogging in the family. And your blog is fun to watch, so keep it up. Very nice assortment of Christmases pictures. And nice to be directed to your whole, vast vault of picture albums.