Tuesday, November 14, 2006

You only get one shot...

Authors Note: It's been a few months since I wrote this, and I feel I should clarify a few things. I don't hate sports. I like them. My son is in Basketball and he loves it. I even act as the assistant coach! (As if I was qualified.) I love what Sports do for kids, unity, work-ethics, etc. I love to see family members coming together for sporting events. We have huge parties at my house for the Olympics, etc. My own personal version of sports is Drum Corps. We watch the DCI (dci.org) scores and seasons like many people watch sporting leagues.

What irks me is the praise that society puts on the sporting figures. Someone is talented with a ball, and so we pay them tens of millions of dollars a year as well as let them tell us how to vote? Thank you, no. (And yes, it's US paying them. Hundreds of dollars for one ticket to some pro football games. Rediculous.)

So, I should have followed up my question: "what are they good for...absolutely nothing?" With: "Heck no...they're great!! (in moderation.)

Sports. Uungh. What are they good for?...Absolutely Nothing?

Sports in our country serve as a false idol that people pray to, curse and trust in for happiness and guidance.

At some point in a child's life though, sports are nothing more than throwing a ball around for some simple fun. A bit later in the child's life, they start to like the challenge and competition that sports offer. At SOME point, this healthy appeal turns into fanaticism, which leads to obsession, which leads to overpriced season tickets and sports "heroes" making salaries enough to end world hunger. What's a father supposed to do? Catch 22.

For now though, my man likes to toss the ball, and run around. And I'm ok with that. We have an unfinished basement with lots of headroom and cement floors. He's been using a shelf for a "basket" to practice basketball. Today, we decided to build a proper hoop. We used a bucket, marker, jigsaw, drill, boondoggle and a few grabber screws. 30 minutes later, he was shooting baskets that actually went through! The boondoggle net that he designed provides a satisfying "swish" sound. It's good for him, and we enjoyed making it together.

He joined a basketball team this week. Coach Mitch is awesome, and the kids really like it. May the fun-ness of sports stay fun for a long...long time.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya! But I've got a sports semi-fanatic for a husband!!! I figure I can offset the mania with music and other such things. Let's hope . . .

Jinjer said...

That is the coolest hoop I have ever seen. . . and it's so fun that you got to make it together. I bet every basket will be a little bit sweeter for him knowing he made the hoop with his dad.

Anonymous said...

Hey look at me using the technology and such! Although, I do take offence to your rant about sports. Fact-you can learn team work and other important stuff that I can't think of right now from organized sports. Plus little league gives parents a chance to live vicariously through their kids and re-live their glory days. We are a little sporty around here, but people are required to also take piano lessons if they want to play sports. So if nothing else, the sports obsessions will enable Jordan to at least be able to play the hymns! love, big sis