Wednesday, April 30, 2008

..this bird had flown

Working late last night, I received a call from my wife saying that there was a bird in my room. I scooted home and sure enough, there she was. Flapping around like she owned the place. It was pretty harmless and obviously scared so it didn't take long to get it out. I'm glad it was in the bedroom too, instead of flying around the whole house. It was actually a fun and hilarious time getting it to leave. Me with my scooter helmet and head lamp on flapping a blanket around to get the bird to find the open window.

We wondered where it came from, but quickly found out. See below.

It's favorite perch. Anywhere on the fan. It would land on one of the blades, and would hang on while I spun it around. Fun.

This perch was more precarious. Note the cameo from the red tree photo from Kansas.

On the rabbit ear, messin up my reception.

So we found this in the morning. Before I took this picture, the bird was there in the nest. Look closely and you can see 2 eggs. Yep, it's not just a bird, it's a bird family. Where is this nest you ask?

On the front door! My wife opened it last night to fix some wind related turbulence, and when she came back the bird was in. It looks like we brought it in outselves. Ho!

Anyway, funny right?

"...And when I awoke, I was alone, this bird had flown."


Drew said...

You kids and your creatures! I wonder what animal friend will enter your abode next! My guess is a three-toed sloth. And those are hard to catch, so good luck!

Lili and Jeff said...

That is so cute! It is like the time when a little bird made a nest in the blown open top of the light outside. It kept the eggs nice and warm. What a fun times adventure for you guys.

Cami said...

Oh my goodness! She made a next on your wreath! That's crazy times. I picture you like Dwight with a box lined with glue and a plastic bag . . .

Sami said...

What are the chances?! That is so funny.

So, John totally called it about me not calling to borrow a lens. He was right, I am afraid I'll break something. I'm very clumsy. Hope you weren't anxiously waiting for my call to borrow and break! :)

Amber said...

That is so funny and wierd. You forgot to tell the part about cleaning up the poop that was scared out of the silly bird! Like you said, just another example of the ridiculous things that go on with you!!!!

melody said...

Ha! I love this story and the pictures that go along with it. (I much prefer it to the mouse post. Yikes again!) What an interesting bird. And I love the mental image of you trying to get it out. Ha!

Emily said...

That is hilarious and so cute. How did it decide that that was a good place to call home? Courtney makes you home so inviting, she couldn't resist. Hopefully she doesn't get scared away.