Friday, February 08, 2008

3 things that may or may not interest you...

I'm not sure if there are Greeps, Gripes or Grumps but my feeling is that they're closer to Greeps than any of the three.

1) I called UPS the other day in response a note on my door. You know, when you miss the guys and a signature is required. So I was going through their automated phone thing. The lady was asking me questions etc. This usually annoys me as they never really ask you the right stuff. Well, this one was dead on. Every set of options had the exact one I needed. At the end of the call she said something like "or if you're finished, just hang up!" I was so pleased with the experience that I felt funny just hanging up. Like I would offend the operator. Before I knew it I was saying "Thank you" into the phone before hanging up.

2) I asked Jack to write his Uncle Andy and letter and he responded with "Ok, which letter?" Turns out there are 26 I could have chosen from.

3) I bought a new camera lens this week. A friend sent me this video about how lenses are made. It blew my mind. I understand why premium lenses are so expensive now. It's a bit long, but very interesting.


melody said...

Great greeps. Which letter - ha! I love it. Glad you had some pleasant experiences.

Cami said...

I am interested in all three. It's awesome about Jack's letter. And the UPS phone call too. Crazy. Also, I just read a book about Galileo and his lenses for his telescopes. Pretty interesting.

Unknown said...

I liked the lens video. Did you notice the California Raisin on the wall 6:40 minutes in?

Jonny said...

Cool video indeed! Now, i'm curious of how they make optical glass to start with.

Lili and Jeff said...

jeff and I saw "How it's made" about lenses. It is intense.
jackson is hilarious.
Hooray for the UPS people. I bet they really listen to the customer feedback.

Amber said...

I love you Jackerton and all things were interesting. Everything you say is intersting. You could talk about nothing and I would laugh! I always thought there should have been a better word for the good things than Greeps. And why are there 2 bad options and only one good?

Emily said...

Whoa, that lens video is pretty intense. KC will want to see it for sure. It makes me want to take even more good care of my camera.

Jack...what a kid.

Standard of Liberty said...

fun stories. the video--wow--6 weeks to make a lens! sheesh. . .