Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Finally, robotic beings rule the world...

This is dedicated to KV, without whom, t'would not have been.

JG, and his army. Also, he's holding a story he wrote about them.

They didn't use poisonous gases, but these little robotic dudes have taken over our house. They're Bionicles, and my son has a fillion of them. They're really cool, and fun to play with...even if you're thirtyish. When we lived in MD, a friend from work gave McBlackson an entire collection of them. We played with them a bit after that, but they were a bit beyond my man. But now he has friends who are into them, and he can follow the directions to put them together. So last weekend we set out to assemble all of them and it was a feat of strength. At least now I can say that I've assembled nearly 30 Bionicles in one weekend. Not everyone has that merit badge.

We decided to do a little photo shoot before they started losing limbs and projectiles in battles. So we set up this scene.

Here are the pictures. All the captions in quotes are battle cries, and should be read in a warful manner. Please pronounce them in a roboty voice.

"Steady boys...Steeaaaady"


"You...shall not....pass!"

"You guys look like ants from here..."

"I just noticed that my gun is backwards. My bad."

"My hand is laaaaame."

The army poised.


"Bring it. "

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Unknown said...

Yes! I'm glad they're getting put to good use now. It's a good thing I actually saved the directions I guess:)

You should record some robot voices for them, the ones in my head are kind of lame.

melody said...

Those look totally cool. You and Jack sure have fun times!

Emily said...

I agree with Kevin, I need help with robot/war voice. That must've been a lot of work. The tips of my fingers hurt thinking about it. Jack looks pretty excited. He should read his book page by page on his blog. I'm dying to know what is says.

Cami said...

AWESOME! Jeffy would die. he loves Bionicles, but he only has one from McDonalds some years ago. I should have taken pictures of the Lego Star Wars sets Jeffy got before every piece was lost. Good plan.

Lili and Jeff said...

The humans are dead!

I was waiting for one of those robots to break out in bionary solo at some point!

Those are awesome. You and Jack should make a movie with them, and do the robotic battle commands.

Emily said...

OS, if you make those rolls, I have a couple suggestions. They were pretty good, but since I have only made them once, I didn't have a chance yet to make them how I like them.

First, add as little flour as possible (you already know this trick though). The wheat flour really make them a little stiff, but still good especially when warm. Next time I will probably use 1/4 of wheat and 3/4 white flour. Also, let them rise a really long time. Longer than it says. Then more air will come into them making them less dense, and easier to swallow. There.

I just didn't want you to be disappointed. You sounded so excited.

Emily said...

I meant Ok, not os. He he.

Amber said...

Wow, that was a lot of assembly required! Those things came out just as Jordan was getting out of the toy getting phase and more into the shoes and sports crap getting phase! Anyway, I bet Todd and Jordan would love to battle with you guys. I think the idea to build your toy and then play with it is great. Whatever we can do to keep the kids busy during the day!

Unknown said...

Way to go, M&J. Those look so cool. I want to come over sometime and look at them. I wish I had that kind of stuff when I was your age, Jack.

Janice Graham said...

Jack has the neatest toys and they sure get played with, that's for sure. What a great Dad you are. No cat's in the cradle for you. Ask Amber is you don't know what I mean.