Thursday, October 18, 2007

DCI Pumpkin Stencils....

I'm terrible at carving pumpkins. But I think I might try again after reading this. released a bunch of pumpkin stencils depicting all the corps logos in conjunction with a pumpkin carving contest they're holding.

I love the new ways that DCI is getting word out. Now if they only bring their merchandise prices down so anyone could afford them!

This is the logo for the Santa Clara Vanguard; the corps that Cortnie marched with.


JPS said...

Yo Matt, I have seen those associated with Halloween, but those sound like year round stincels. What do you say we just have a pumpkin/squash/zucchini out year round with your band logo carved into the face? Let's have that turn into an "in modo" thing to do for anytime. Ok, just kidding, that was not a good idea... Or is it? I'll leave that up to you to decide!

Cami said...

Ooooh, fancy. You SHOULD carve a pumpkin now.

Like the new look.

Lili and Jeff said...

Those would be awesome pumpkins indeed. That IS a good way to advertise! They should pay YOU to carve those pumpkins, eh?

Unknown said...

that's fun sounding, that you can carve a corp shield on your pumpkin. Whoda thought of putting that on the old pump? Make sure and put a picture on the blodge if you do one.