Monday, December 18, 2006

Why Lead Trumpets aren't invited Christmas Caroling

Anyone who knows me pretty well knows that I am into Drum Corps in almost any form.

I ran across this recording a few years ago, and enjoy it every Christmas season.

This is the reason that lead trumpets (or lead sopranos) aren't invited Christmas Caroling. If you've ever been in a Drum Corps or College Marching Band, or even a zealous High School band, you'll know why this is funny. I think it's funny on it's own merits though.

Have a listen.

Part 2:

An open letter to lead trumpets/sops:

Hey Guys:

We know you can play high. We've all heard your lip trills and note bends that you were "practicing". We know that your chops are second to none. We allll wish we could be just like you. (/me rolls eyes.)

We, your adoring fans, want you to remember just two things. 1) There is more to music than being the highest, fastest, loudest, most obnoxious. 2) If everyone is special, no one is special.

So look around...and save the pomp for your solo, where it can be truly appreciated. (No sarcasm this time...we DO appreciate your skills...just at the right time. )

Second and Third Trumpets, and the rest of the planet.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Where did you get that?? Even though I had the volume down very low, Ethan came in and said, "It's too loud!!" So I guess "loud" means obnoxious in Ethanworld.