Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What is wrong with people?

I swear. Sometimes, I'm afraid to leave my house, or even to get out of bed.

Check this out. This link is the home page for information on a class action lawsuit against Nintendo. They're saying that the remotes that come with the new Nintendo Wii video game consoles are defective. Why? Because they come with a wrist strap that sometimes breaks when you swing the controller to hard. To use their words: "
the wrist strap broke and caused the remote to leave the user’s hand."

If you're not sure what I'm talking about, check out www.wiihaveaproblem.com.
It shows some of the results of the breaking wrist straps. Broken TV's, dislocated knees, bruised heads, and damaged furniture are just some of the things you find there.

This leads me to my original question. What is wrong with people?

In this age of entitlement in which we live, when anything (read: ANYthing) goes wrong in our lives, we place the blame on whoever has the most money. "What? You threw you video game controller across the room? No problem, we'll sue the manufacturer and make millions!"

"What? You broke into someones house, and cut yourself on the glass from their window? We'll sue the owners."

"What? You drove your car into a river and then couldn't get the door open, and you almost died? We'll sue the car manufacturer, the city who runs the river, and the water cycle."

Give me a break. This law firm is a step below an ambulance chaser and should be laughed at by any judge that hears their case. And their clients?! Anyone that is participating in this lawsuit should be banned from playing video games ever again.

Take responsibility for your own actions. They're YOUR actions. Yours alone.

/me throws hands up and storms out.


quaffsmaf said...


Unknown said...

I want to hurt people like this so they can actually sue me for something legit. I HATE HATE HATE when people do that... I mean, you made the choice, don't blame other people. Just like those Fat fat fat McDonalds people. It is their own blasted fault they eat that greasy greasy food.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to sue you for saying that Mattie!