Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Website: There I Fixed It...

This is the best website I've seen in sometime. I think it's has even topped the people of walmart in time-wasting-potential. The photos are great, the solutions are amazing and the titles/cutlines are witty.

Here is the link: There I Fixed It.

An example of the hilarity/awesomeness. My reactions swing evenly between "What in the double H..." and "..(nodding)..Not bad..." (Photo used without permission...I sent an email requesting it...)

For the record, I love any entry that involves zip ties. This one, for example. Or this one.

And I am pretty sure my dad pulled of something very similar to this.

I've been guilty of this, more than once.

Also, when I lived in Indiana I visited several places just like this. (While I may have been exaggerating about most of the links above...this one is true. Here is one such place I've actually been. I've spoken with the guy pictured there. I gave him $2.)

Enjoy that site. Stuff like this makes the craziness all around us bearable.


melody said...

Thanks for the awesome link. I need to tell Jonny to take a look. He will definitely love it.

Cami said...

Awesome! That is almost as cool as the real estate one and it's modesty chair awesomeness. I think perhaps you have to be a guy to really appreciate these posts. Because mostly I think, "sure, I'd try that" and stuff. (Off to get more zip lines!)

Lili and Jeff said...

Ha ha ha! Those are so funny. People of Wal-Mart has also filled up many of our slow nights here at home as well. We also like such sites as:

and so many others. But mainly I can spend hours on those alone.

Kevin Vig said...

I can vouch for the overloaded truck thing, that was awesome with the almost-popping-tires with the huge load of shingles:)