Wednesday, July 08, 2009

An apology to the 2009 Blue Devils

Dear 2009 Blue Devils drum corps:

I wanted to thank you for allowing me to attend your rehearsal tonight at American Fork High School in American Fork, Utah. I am an avid fan and listen to past BD recordings daily.

I want to express my complete embarrassment and apologize for the behavior of the crowd that amassed as you rehearsed. I've never been included in a more rude group of people. They were loud, critical, and inconsiderate. I believe that many of them were actually using you as babysitters. I saw 10 or 20 small children running around banging on bleachers and screaming as they slid down railings while their parents poked away at their iphones or gabbed loudly with their friends. Send them a bill.

I was mortified when more than once, your staff was unable to communicate with corps members or other staff members due to the ridiculous sound level coming from the stands.

I want to assure you that we're not all like this. Sadly, many people from the particular part of the particular valley in which you were rehearsing believe they "know better" when it comes to all things marching. They don't.

I hope you were able to get some work done, despite the pearl casting.

Good luck tomorrow night. We're looking forward to the performance.


Shame on you, American Fork. Show some respect, and stay home next time.


Cami said...

Lame! I don't like people sometimes.

Emily said...

Geez! Some people.

melody said...

Yeah, that is a total bummer.

Unknown said...

nice pictures. sorry about the rude crowd.