Thursday, March 13, 2008

800 cute little dogs on the wall...'s pretty random...but I couldn't pass this one up. This is quite possibly the most interesting news story I've ever read in my life. Ever.

My son wants a dog, and asks regularly. After reading this, I'm feeling lucky that he doesn't continually ask for hundreds of dogs.

Here is a story about a triple-wide-trailer house in AZ where police found 800 small dogs and 87 parrots living with an elderly couple. Think about that. 800 dogs. 800. My word. Read the article. There were even some dogs giving birth while being rescued.

Just to give you an idea of how many dogs that is, here are 800 small dog images (and 87 parrots).


Emily said...

Sad, gross and insane! How can that many dogs even exist in my neighborhood, much less in a place that small. I'm so confused.

Cami said...

Oh my gosh. That is really quite gross. And actually seems quite impossible. I'm impressed you fit them all onto the internet!

Amber said...

That is so aweful. What is the matter with people? At what point do you allow the animals to bleep all over everything and not care? Sad times, but funny that you put all the pictures. It really helped visualize how many dogs and birds that was--Yikes!

Lili and Jeff said...

HA HA! I love the parrots at the end! I can't believe it. How can there be 800 dogs? What did they eat? Each other? What were those people doing with the dogs!? Thanks for the demonstration. So, so many dogs...

melody said...

That is completely crazy. I am still trying to grasp the idea of that many animals in one small place. Thanks for the visual, it is helping a little.

JPS said...

I think that there must have been a typo... And if you say, "Well, it was on the NET and in a newspaper and the mayor was quoted about it and ..." All I can say is, with one bad source you can have a fillion people quoting it as truth.

Your little pics actually made me come to that conclusion. When you hear it, you think, "Man, that's a WHOLE bunch of animals," but when you give me the visual I'm left with the conclusion, "It must have been a typo!"


Janice Graham said...

Yes, maybe a typo. Wow. Numbers are so interesting. People talk about a trillion dollars. I say, yeah, right.

Unknown said...

I yi yi. Can't believe it. That's a lot of doggies and parrots. Especially when you see them on the blog.

Anonymous said...

Good words.