Wednesday, May 23, 2007

McCartney's new Song/Video

Paul McCartney released a new track from his upcoming album. The track is called 'Dance Tonight' and you can see the video here:

The new album is called "Memory Almost Full" and will be released on June 5th.


Emily said...

I like it! Esecially that his mandalin was perfectly in tune right out of the box. How do people come up with these music vidoe ideas? It was kinda spooky.

Cami said...

Awesome, thanks.

Amber said...

What on earth? We listend to the new CD and I think I could write songs that good. One of them says never like six times in a row (was that the word?)Anyway, some of them are o.k. Maybe they have to grow on you. I didn't like the last album at first, but now there are several that I really like.

Unknown said...

Still listening. Gotta get through the album a couple more times. I remember back in 1968 a group called "Blue Cheer" who did an album. On the back it had instructions: "Play twice before listening." I guess they wanted you to get used to the sound before you started critiquing.