Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Boy emerges from hospital, parents get some sleep...

Master Jackson had his tonsils out last Wednesday. Here are few pictures from the surrounding nonsense. Thanks to everyone to the calls, visits and well-wishes.

Pre-Surgery. Note Pirate slippers, favored Teddy Bear named "Soccer" and bag of hotwheel cars.

Post operation. Drugged to the hilt and feeling terrible.

Next morning. After bleeding WAY too much over night, doctors admitted him to the hospital. So fun.

The iv needle in his arm. He had about 15 needle holes after everything was finished. At one point he woke up from a nightmare yelling "Don't hold my arm! Let go of my arm".

Feeling better. Able to play with play dough, have some visits and cards from cousins and watch some TV.

I have a few more pics that I"ll put up. Short story: he stayed in the hospital for 2 nights so they could get his blood count where it should be, then sent him home. He's doing awesome. Staying in bed, eating the ice creat and Popsicles. Playing the games and hating medicine times.


Cami said...

poor guy. I'm glad he's doing better. I hope you guys recoup soon.

melody said...

Wow. What an ordeal. So glad he is home and on the uphill. Tell him we love him and miss him. Hey, we will see you guys in a few months, right? Can't wait.

Emily said...

Man, that was scary. I hate when kids who are normally so happy and vivacious, are sick and then get quiet and not quite like themselves. It's sad. It's going to be so great when this is all over, and the healing is complete. I love the pics, as sad as some of them are. Especially with the slippers. He was prepared.

Lili and Jeff said...

WHAT!? I had no idea he had to get his tonsils out! That is crazy insane. Poor little guy. Give him a big hug from his Auntie Lili. And a kiss. Man. I wish I could sit around and play with hotwheels and pirate slippers while eating ice cream and popcicles! MWAH!

Unknown said...

We are impressed with the way you all handled the recent events. Coulda easily let things go out of control, lose hope, and start complaining. But, no, you turned to the Lord, got strength and went forward. Good for you. And Jack did real good. We love all of you tons.