Friday, October 30, 2009

Do you winterize?

It's cold now, which I love. However, I have learned by sad experience that when it gets cold, it gets snowy, icy and unforgiving. It's time to Winterize. (btw, that title is a paraphrase from Oceans 11. Say it with a southern accent.) Our houses are probably pretty well winterized without much effort. Maybe cover your spigots and empty the water from your PVC sprinkling system pipes. But what about your car? Is it winterized?

A few years ago we were ill-equipped for where we lived and found ourselves not able to either get home or retrieve our son from school on 3 occasions. On one such adventure, the possibility of spending the night in the car did not seem too far fetched. In most cases, we were rescued by someone with a suitable vehicle. (Remember this?)

Granted, that may have been the best (worst?) winter in years, and this year will probably be nothing like it. ounce of prevention and all that.

So here is a list of stuff that you can tro in your car right now. Do it. Even if you get half of this stuff in there you'll feel better...I promise.

Check your spare. You don't wanted to be stranded in the snow without one, or with a flat one.

Gloves. Might be the most important thing. Ever tried to change a spare during a storm without gloves? The possibilities for misery and profanities are endless.

If you go anywhere during the winter without one of these, you're fired. Sure, you're just driving to the store or church...but when something happens and you are walking 1/4 mile home without a coat, you'll question your sanity.

Don't drive with snow on your car. I don't care how cold it is...brush it off. It not only blinds you, but also the people behind you. I have the scraper pictured and it's the best. If you have your gloves and coat with you, this job is actually fun.

A small collapsible shovel (or any shovel) is a must. You can usually dig your car out from being stuck in 5 or 10 minutes, instead of waiting 2 hours for rescue.

I bought these snow chains for our cars. Now when it shows and looks dangerous I am giddy with anticipation. My little rear-wheel drive is a rad (a nighmare) in the snow. But when I add these chains to the back tires, and use the shovel to fill the bed with snow? Forget it. It handles as surely as our 4wd truck. Night and day. Here they are.

Blankets. Emergency or otherwise. If you're stuck in the car for a few hours, you'll be glad you have this (especially if you don't have your coat/gloves).

Snacks. Toss one of your families 72 hours kits in the trunk. When you're in the we-may-be-in-this-car-for-the-next-8-hours mode, you (and your kids) will be glad you have this.

Don't put a gas pump in your trunk, but do keep your car at least 1/2 full all the time. One bad accident on the winter road can turn your 10 minute errand into a 2 hour standstill. If you're near the E when that happens, you're hosed.

Our Governermn recently announced this website about winterizing stuff. Check it out.

To paraphrase Auto-Tune-the-news... driving in winter can turn and LOL...into a great big OMG.

Don't wait..stock up your cars. Someday you'll thank yourself.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Website: There I Fixed It...

This is the best website I've seen in sometime. I think it's has even topped the people of walmart in time-wasting-potential. The photos are great, the solutions are amazing and the titles/cutlines are witty.

Here is the link: There I Fixed It.

An example of the hilarity/awesomeness. My reactions swing evenly between "What in the double H..." and "..(nodding)..Not bad..." (Photo used without permission...I sent an email requesting it...)

For the record, I love any entry that involves zip ties. This one, for example. Or this one.

And I am pretty sure my dad pulled of something very similar to this.

I've been guilty of this, more than once.

Also, when I lived in Indiana I visited several places just like this. (While I may have been exaggerating about most of the links above...this one is true. Here is one such place I've actually been. I've spoken with the guy pictured there. I gave him $2.)

Enjoy that site. Stuff like this makes the craziness all around us bearable.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A tractor tire...forget about it

If you somehow needed another reason to love and be amazed by Les Schwab tire centers, here it is.

Who else can replace a tractor tire? And free popcorn and cable news while you wait.

I wish I was half the man Les Schwab tire center is.